This is Margie speaking... Yes, I’m still alive and kicking, not quite as high, but grateful to have lived to be 91 years old.
My proudest moments in all of these years were spent visiting you GI’s here in the USA, in hospitals and camps, and over 2 months in the ETO from June 8, 1945 to VJ DAY when I arrived back in Washington D.C. I was all over France, Belgium and England and visited Germany twice. I was the first person to enter Germany in civilian clothes and a lot of my main stops were at the "Stars and Stripes" offices. Jack Sonag, if you’re still around, I remember giving you the caption for awarding the Bronze Star Medals to some of the men: "Brass Receive B.S. medals”.
The absolute farthest thing from my mind was to meet and marry someone while overseas, but I did. I met and married captain Jerry Johnson July 7th by the French Mayor at the American Church of Paris on July 8th the "Stars and Stripes" headline came out “Margie How Could You?” Even though the marriage lasted one month less than 58 years... Jerry died of lung cancer. That headline has haunted me all of these years. I never considered myself a selfish person, but I was then because I hurt so many people. Out of this marriage came a son, Stephen Jeffery, a psychologist and the love of my life. Then I was lucky enough to get a beautiful daughter-in-law Fran, and three grandchildren Derek, Ian, and Dana. I couldn't have asked for more loving self-disciplined or better looking children.
Anyhow soldiers, you were the light of my life. I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your sacrifices. Thank you for all of you today who are giving of yourselves for our country. Wish I were a little younger, I would be over in Iraq with you, but my thoughts and prayers are with you.
I contribute in a small way to the USO and all of the charities, which send food, supplies and medicine to the hospitals and help the families of those who are serving. It’s not the same as giving of myself, but it's better than nothing.
Hope you enjoyed the 94 million posters which went out to wherever you were, starting with “PLEASE GET THERE AND BACK” to 12 of them with a part of the letter asking you to save your money and buy war bonds.
Hope you enjoyed the 94 million posters which went out to wherever you were, starting with “PLEASE GET THERE AND BACK” to 12 of them with a part of the letter asking you to save your money and buy war bonds.
Love Margie.
God Bless all of you.